Welcome to Weightronics Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Leading Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier & Service Provider of Standard Weights & Calibration Services.

"Weightronics Industries Pvt. Ltd." is the India's leading manufacturer, exporter, supplier & service provider of certified standard weights & calibration services. Since 1999, we are engaged in to manufacturing of weights and mass standards and enhanced our reputation being the premier company in the metrology industry by achieving ISO 9001:2015 Certification from UKAS Management Systems and Accreditation of our Laboratory in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 from National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Department of Science & Technology, INDIA

  • Quality Control System, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Highly Professional Staff, Accurate Testing Processes
About Us
Calibration / Mass Standard Weights

Why Choose Us?

In the day-to-day life of a human being in the society, metrology plays a vital role. Metrology is the science of measurement. The measurement system even changes the theory & thoughts of the people. The precise & correct measurement system may enhance a great contribution to the economy of the country by increasing the revenue in various sectors. It may play important role in reducing the revenue losses in every field where the weighing is required in any sector. Few people realize that not only industry but also many activities are affected if the required accuracy is not maintained in Measurement.





Calibration Services

Weightronics Mass Clibration Laboratory

WMCL - Weightronics Mass Calibration Laboratory is an independent mass calibration laboratory. WMCL have the capabilities of providing mass calibrations from 1 mg to 25000 kg.

World Class Calibration Facilities
State-of-the-Art Equipments
Unmatched Standards
Highly Trained Personnel and Proven Calibration Procedures
Recalibration for Any Brand Names, Manufacturers and Designs

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